Monday, March 31, 2008

Self Portrait Part 2


RoOose said...

i like the effect the fire made on the two faces. it's as if the glow of the flames really reflected on their faces making it seem very realistic

C3_Skae said...

I like how the two faces have no ground and how they fade out along the gives them a very "smokey" or even a ghastly appearance, which obviously would work with the fire as the main image.

Ariel Capellupo said...

i think all the images use the tools in photoshop really well. this image with the faces around the fire seems to be the strongest image of the three, with the intense color and center focus point.

mazouat2 said...

i think this is the strongest of the three images, i like how on the top an bottom of the fire pit you incorporated the colors of the other two images to tie them together but i don't think it flows with the other two images as a whole piece because it doesn't share and real similarities in it's design elements

GabriellePeterson said...

I really enjoy this piece and like the way that the colors connect all of the three pieces. The images are strong and create a very interesting and creative approach to the project.

Kim said...

I think this is the most intense image of your three. Again i think the colors are great and definitely emphasize a less carefree attitude then the past one. It stands out the most from among the the three.