Monday, March 31, 2008

Self Portrait Part 3


RoOose said...

i like how alyssa made her collage flow very smoothly and her choice to only use color in that one picture that is larger than all the rest

mazouat2 said...

i like the way the friends are incorporated in the gray areas and i think it was a cool idea to have the one color image but i wish it was in a different spot in the picture to better the composition. i also think the really pixalised / blurry gray part in the front is distracting

Marissa Marton said...

I really like how you made all of the photos mesh together like they all belong together with the color and lighting... very nice images... good job!

GabriellePeterson said...

I really like the way all of the different photos are incorporated into the piece. Each small picture in this part is so different but comes together to create one cohesive panel.

jaimie michelle said...

all three of your pieces have a very similar quality to them but im not sure exactly how they all relate into one another. i think the images individually are very strong and i think you could have maybe just had one more evident concept that carried through all three to really bring it all together. i really like each piece though!!!

ChelcSic said...

I liked the entire piece and how each picture was a collage. I got that they were memories and different experiences.

Kim said...

This is really fun and looks like it could be in a yearbook. Theres a few areas that are a little blurry but overall the effect is great. Your three pieces work really well together and i think you did a great job.

ZoeChen said...

It is different design from what I have seen. I feel it is special and nice.

mal237 said...

i like the theme that you incoporated into your piece. the collage is balanced and flows really and it helps with the flow of the theme.